Nominating Officers

Submit your recommendations
of individuals to serve in leadership roles

Finding Leaders

The belief that the people of God are called to be leaders is at the heart of the Presbyterian way. In our form of government, church members choose leaders to represent them. Thus each year we encourage members of the congregation to recommend leadership candidates or volunteer to be considered themselves. 

As part of the recommendation processes, the Nominating Committee asks that you give prayerful thought to those individuals — including yourself — that you feel have demonstrated gifts for leadership and a commitment to the life and ministry of this congregation. Please recommend those whom you believe will be committed and impactful in serving in the offices of Elder, Deacon, or Trustee, or as members of the board of Chicago Lights or as at-large members of the Nominating Committee. 

Please take time to consider putting forth your own name for consideration. If you feel called to serve, the Nominating Committee would love to hear from you; there is no one better to share your potential contributions to life at Fourth Church!

To submit a recommendation, please complete the nominating form by October 6.

Jump down to:
Chicago Lights Board
Nominating Committee Members
The Work of the Committee

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can serve as an officer of Fourth Church?
Each leadership candidate for office must be a member of Fourth Church for at least one year and demonstrate faithful participation in both worship and the life of our church, and financial stewardship, by pledging and contributing to the ministry and mission of Fourth Church. At Fourth Church, a member may not serve consecutive terms on the same board.

How does the Nominating Committee select nominees from the recommended individuals?

The Nominating Committee reviews all recommendations and confidentially deliberates to prepare a slate of nominees to be presented for a congregational vote (in February). The committee seeks to put forth a group of nominees that seeks to represent the diversity and inclusivity of our congregation, not only within this year’s class, but in conjunction with the officers already serving. The great majority of individuals recommended would be excellent additions to leadership roles at Fourth, but we acknowledge that for some positions we have more recommended individuals than spots to fill. In these cases, the Nominating Committee prayerfully discerns how to best match the needs of our church with the individuals recommended. 

Who can submit a recommendation?

Any member of Fourth Church can do so — on behalf of others or themselves.

Can I recommend myself?

Yes, the committee strongly encourages you to volunteer for consideration. If you feel called to serve, please put forth your name. Whether you have served before or would be a new leader, the committee welcomes your self-recommendation.

Can I recommend multiple individuals?

Yes, you may put forth multiple recommendations.If you are recommending someone, please consider discussing your recommendation with the candidate to determine his or her willingness and ability to serve.

What is the time commitment for an officer?
The commitment varies by individual, but the average time commitment is about eight hours per month.

All church officers attend monthly meetings and serve on or lead one or more committees. Adults are elected for three-year terms. Prior to ordination and installation, newly elected officers are required to attend training, which includes a daylong antiracism training.


The Session, which is the governing body of the church, provides oversight for the wide-ranging and growing church programs. The Pastor is the moderator of the Session.

Ruling elders are so named because “they are chosen by the congregation to discern and measure its fidelity to the Word of God, and to strengthen and nurture its faith and life.” The Presbyterian Church (USA) Book of Order advises congregations to “elect persons of wisdom and maturity of faith, having demonstrated skills in leadership and being compassionate in spirit.”

The Session is responsible for providing for worship and the administration of the Sacraments: Baptism and Communion; receiving new members; leading the congregation in mission; providing for educational ministry, pastoral care, and fellowship opportunities; and stewardship.


Each year 12 adults are elected to serve a 3-year term of service. 

Additionally 2 youth elders are elected each year to serve a 1-year term. Generally youths are elected during their junior year of high school and serve during their senior year. A youth elder is a full-fledged member of the session, attending monthly meetings and serving on a committee.


Deacons are the caregivers of the congregation and are often referred to as “the heart of the church.”

“The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. . . . It is the duty of deacons, first of all, to minister to those who are in need, to the sick, to the friendless, and to any who may be in distress both within and beyond the community of faith” (Presbyterian Church (USA) Book of Order, G-6).

At Fourth Church, Deacons care for members and friends of the church as well as engage in outreach mission activities and tend to a variety of day-to-day activities related to worship and congregational care.


Each year 16 adults are elected to serve a 3-year term of service.

Additionally, 2 youth deacons are elected each year to serve a 1-year term. Generally youth are elected during their junior year of high school and serve during their senior year. Youth deacons attend monthly meetings and fulfill Deacon Volunteer Opportunities.


The Board of Trustees answers to the Session and is entrusted to manage the church’s financial and physical resources, including the endowment.

A demonstrated commitment to and knowledge of Fourth Church plus all-around management skills and experience are desired. Professions that provide valuable experience and expertise include attorneys and paralegals with broad backgrounds; investment and accounting professionals; property and operations management professionals with experience in building management, real estate, and systems; human resource professionals; experience in grant-writing and fundraising; and business professionals with broad experience in all aspects of operating a business.


Each year 7 adults are elected to serve a 3-year term of service.

Chicago Lights Board

The Chicago Lights Board of Directors is the governing body of Chicago Lights. The board’s responsibilities include setting the policy and strategic direction of Chicago Lights and serving as a public figure for the organization. The board also monitors the operations and oversees the financial stability of Chicago Lights.


Each board member serves a 3-year term.

At-Large Nominating Committee Members

The Nominating Committee is a joint committee of Session, Deacons, and Trustees and is charged to search for and select active members of the congregation to serve as church officers and to ensure that the officer candidates reflect the rich diversity of the congregation’s membership.  As needed, the committee also slates nominees for pastor nominating committees.

Nominating Committee members have demonstrated a commitment to Fourth Presbyterian Church through active participation in various ministries and are familiar with a wide range of church members.  Prior experience serving as an officer of Fourth Church is desirable but not required.


Each year 7 adult at-large members of the congregation are elected to serve a 1-year term of service.

The Work of the Nominating Committee

Elected by the congregation at its annual meeting in February, the Nominating Committee begins its work soon after the newest class of officers is typically ordained and installed in May.

For additional information about recommending individuals for church leadership, please contact the Nominating Committee by email.


126 E. Chestnut Street
(at Michigan Avenue)
Chicago, Illinois 60611.2014
(Across from the Hancock)

For events in the Sanctuary,
enter from Michigan Avenue

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Directory: 312.787.2729



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