Switch to list of staff in alphabetical order by last name
Fourth Presbyterian Church
126 E. Chestnut Street
Chicago, IL 60611.2014
Receptionist: 312.787.4570
Email protocol: first name initial with last name @ fourthchurch.org
Pastor’s Office
Pastoral Staff
Adult Education
Address Changes
Building and Facilities
Caring Ministries
Center for Life and Learning
Chicago Lights
Children and Family Ministry
Congregational Life
Counseling Center
Day School (Preschool)
Fellowship Groups
Human Resources
Operational Ministries
Resource Development
Social Service Center
Tutoring and Summer Day
Volunteer Ministry
Young Adults (TwentiesThirties)
Youth Ministry
Pastor’s Office
Tom Are Jr.
Interim Pastor
Email | 312.573.3363
Allison MacDonna
Executive Assistant
Email | 312.573.3363
Katie Patterson
Manager for Worship and Youth Ministry
Email | 312.981.4035
Pastoral Staff
View the pastors’ photos and bios
Please notify the church of illnesses, deaths, hospitalizations, and other pastoral care concerns by contacting caringministries@fourthchurch.org
If there is an emergency need of a pastor during the night that cannot wait until 8:00 a.m. the next morning, please call 773.913.1659.
Tom Are Jr.
Interim Pastor
Email | 312.573.3363
Rocky Supinger
Senior Associate Pastor
Email | 312.981.4037
Nancy Benson-Nicol
Associate Pastor for Caring Ministries and Spiritual Formation
Email | 312.573.3360
Matt Helms
Associate Pastor for Children, Family, and Welcoming Ministries
Email | 312.573.3362
Joseph L. Morrow
Associate Pastor for Evangelism and Community Engagement
Email | 312.981.3399
Nanette Sawyer
Associate Pastor for Discipleship and Small Group Ministry
Email | 312.274.3835
Amy Pagliarella
Parish Associate for Caring Ministries
Email | 312.252.3587
Adult Education
Jana Blazek
Address Changes
To update or add information to your member profile, including your contact information, please click here.
For additional assistance, please email the church or call 312.252.3595.
Building and Facilities
Leszek Pytka
Plant Manager
Email | 312.640.2523
Caring Ministries
Nancy Benson-Nicol
Associate Pastor for Caring Ministries and Spiritual Formation
Email | 312.573.3360
Amy Pagliarella
Parish Associate for Caring Ministries
Email | 312.252.3587
If there is an emergency need of a pastor during the night that cannot wait until 8:00 a.m. the next morning, please call 773.913.1659.
Stephen Ministry voicemail: 312.573.3365. Please do not leave emergency messages at this number.
Center for Life and Learning
Annette Mileski
Director, Center for Life and Learning
Email | 312.981.3386
Dave Dalton
Program Manager, Center for Life and Learning
Email | 312.981.3391
Linda Daly
Program Assistant, Center for Life and Learning
Email | 312.981.3389
Chicago Lights
Stacy Jackson
Executive Director
Email | 312.981.3562
Alex Cornwell
Executive Programs Director, Chicago Lights
Email | 312.981.3565
Joi Brooks
Foundation Relations Officer, Chicago Lights
Email | 312.981.3563
Chicago Lights
Social Service Center
Theresa Thornburg
Director, Chicago Lights Social Service Center
Email | 312.274.3826
RaShonn Roberts
Associate Director, EDSSC
Chicago Lights
and Summer Day
Mark Dennison
Program Coordinator, Tutoring and Summer Day
Email | 312.274.3828
Armedia Houston
Director, Chicago Lights Tutoring and Summer Day
Email | 312.981.3560
Jonita Johnson
Youth Programs Manager, Tutoring and Summer Day
Email | 312.274.3800
Children and Family Ministry
Matt Helms
Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry
Email | 312.573.3362
Kathy Hager
Director, Day School
Email | 312.640.2579
Katy Sinclair
Associate Director of Music for Children and Youth
Email | 312.274.3807
Children’s Births and Adoptions
So an announcement can be made during worship, please notify the church of birth or adoption dates.
Matt Helms
Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry
Email | 312.573.3362
Ann Rehfeldt
Director of Communications
Email | 312.640.5373
Micah Marty
Visual Media Coordinator
Email | 312.640.5370
Roberto Flores
Video-Audio Production Manager
Katrina Buchanan
Editorial Associate
Email | 312.640.5375
Congregational Life
Nanette Sawyer
Associate Pastor for Discipleship and Small Group Ministry
Email | 312.274.3835
Counseling Center
See Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being
Day School
Weekday preschool program
Kathy Hager
Director, Day School
Email | 312.640.2579
Fellowship Groups
Human Resources
Coya Castro
Director of Human Resources
Email | 312.640.2533
Deidra Cox
Manager of Human Resources
Email | 312.640.2535
Joseph L. Morrow
Associate Pastor for Evangelism and Community Engagement
Email | 312.981.3399
Nancy Davis
Coordinator for Evangelism
Email | 312.274.3815
Patrick Daniels
Community Engagement Manager
Nancy Davis
Coordinator for Mission
Email | 312.274.3815
Joseph L. Morrow
Parish Associate for Jail Ministry
Email | 312.981.3399
Mike Usiak
Meals Ministry Manager
Email | 312.981.3599
Doug Cleveland
Interim Organist and Director of Music
Emma Cox
Music Department Manager
Email | 312.981.3595
Katy Sinclair
Associate Director of Music for Children and Youth
Email | 312.274.3807
Operational Ministries
Andrea Denney
Executive Director of Operational Ministries
Email | 312.981.3383
Wydetta Carter
Email | 312.787.4570
Fred Hickler
Technology Manager
Email | 312.252.3595
Kathy Kidder
Director of Ofice Management, Wedding Coordinator and Events Manager
Email | 312.981.4026
Leszek Pytka
Plant Manager
Email | 312.640.2523
Latasha Ward
Operations Coordinator
Email | 312.640.2572
Replogle Center
for Counseling and Well-Being
Phone: 312.787.8425
Fax: 312.787.4584
Thomas Schemper
Director, Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being
Email | 312.787.2729, ext. 2240
Sharon Crawford-Tucker
Office Coordinator, Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being
Email | 312.981.3394
Darlene Cunneen
Office Associate, Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being
Email | 312.787.2339
Resource Development
Katy Frey Bever
Senior Director of Development
Email |
Joi Brooks
Foundation Relations Officer
Email |
Shawn Fiedler
Major Gift Officer
Email | 872.250.9266
Liz Gump
Associate Director of Development for Individual Giving
Email |
Andrea Miller
Senior Associate Director of Development, Fourth Presbyterian Church
Email | 312.640.2576
Ron Porras
Donor Coordinator
Email |
Social Service Center
See Chicago Lights Social Service Center
Tutoring and Summer Day
See Chicago Lights Tutoring and Summer Day
Joseph L. Morrow
Associate Pastor for Evangelism and Community Engagement
Email | 312.981.3399
Urban Farm
Volunteer Ministry
Robert Crouch
Director of Volunteer Ministry
Email |
Kathy Kidder
Wedding Coordinator and Events Manager
Email |
Youth Ministry
Amy Pagliarella
Parish Associate for Caring Ministries and Acting Director of Youth Ministry
Email | 312.252.3587
Katy Sinclair
Associate Director of Music for Children and Youth
Email |