Are you interested in exploring what Fourth Church membership means and what’s involved in becoming a member?
The Discover Fourth Committee invites you to join them for an Inquirers’ Class. Offered several times a year, this one-session class offers you an opportunity to explore life at Fourth Church and the history and beliefs of the Presbyterian Church (USA).
While the class is a prerequisite for membership, all are welcome whether or not they are presently considering membership.
Inquirers’ Classes before the April 27 New Members Sunday
(New members may join at any time in the future after they have taken the
Inquirers’ Class)
Sunday, April 6 (In person)
12:15 to 2:00 p.m.
Inquirers’ Classes before the June 22 New Members Sunday
(New members may join at any time in the future after they have taken the
Inquirers’ Class)
Wednesday, May 7 (via Zoom)
6:30 to 8:30 p.m.
Sunday, June 1 (In person)
12:15 to 2:00 p.m.
Meeting with Session
Those who have attended an Inquirers’ class and would like to join the church are invited to a forty-five minute, Sunday-morning meeting with Session, the ruling body of the congregation.
During the meeting new members are introduced to Session, and Session votes on welcoming them. Afterwards, the new members are welcomed by the congregation during worship.
For more information about joining Fourth Church or for Zoom links, contact Matt Helms, Associate Pastor for Children, Family, and Welcoming Ministries, via email or at 312.573.3362.