Rocky Supinger
Senior Associate Pastor
Email | 312.981.4037
Rocky Supinger grew up in Aurora, Colorado, and attended a Presbyterian college in Sterling, Kansas. First while serving as a Presbyterian Church (USA) Young Adult Volunteer in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and then while doing community development work with the YMCA in Kansas City, Rocky discerned a call to ministry and enrolled at Princeton Theological Seminary in 2001.
Since being ordained in 2004 to the Ministry of Word and Sacrament as a Teaching Elder, he has served two churches, including the Claremont Presbyterian Church in California, where he has been Associate Pastor for the past eight years.
Rocky and his wife, Meredith Clayton, have a daughter in high school. Meredith is a pediatrician who holds a master’s degree in public health and has done residencies in Kansas City, Missouri, and Loma Linda, California.