Adult Education


Adult Education Opportunities

The adult education programs of Fourth Church provide short-term and ongoing education for our members, friends of the church, and the wider community, through both in-person and Zoom options.

Video Archive of Past Adult Education Classes
Top Ten Bible Podcast

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Tom Are Bible Study
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If you want to tap into the rich resources of previous classes, simply click on this link to find all the adult education classes that were recorded.

Comparing the Gospels
Sundays, March 9, 16, and 23
11:00 a.m. in Borwell Dining Room and via Zoom

Led by Matt Helms, Associate Pastor for Children, Family, and Welcoming Ministries

This class will explore each of the four Gospels, comparing and contrasting the unique lenses each writer brings to the life and teachings of Jesus, allowing us to expand our understanding of Jesus’ ministry. 

Classics of Lenten Music
Sunday, March 30
11:00 a.m. in Borwell Dining Room and via Zoom

Led by Oliver Comacho, Producer and host of Opera Box Score podcast, and Musical Director of Classical WFMT

Singer, lecturer, and broadcaster Oliver Camacho will talk about masterpieces of Lenten music, particularly Giovanni Battista Pergolesi’s Stabat Mater (1736), a harrowing portrait of grief composed in the final weeks of the composer’s life. Being one of the most enduring and celebrated works of the Italian Baroque, there are countless recordings of Pergolesi’s lament, inviting comparisons between “historically informed” and “modern” interpretations. Other early 18th century works appropriate for Holy Week illustrating the differences in national styles are also considered, including François Couperin’s Leçons de ténèbres (1714), Johann Sebastian Bach’s Cantata 106 and Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit (1708) and Antonio Lotti’s Crucifixus à 8 (ca. 1718).

Arts and Culture: Flowers and Liturgy
Sunday, April 6
11:00 a.m. in Borwell Dining Room and via Zoom

Led by Shawn Fiedler, Major Gift Officer
Joined by Will Nifong and Colin Collete, Mangel Florist Owners

During this season of Lent, flowers play a significant role in Christian liturgy.

Rev. Shawn Fiedler will lead this session as we discuss the symbolism of particular flowers in Scripture and Theology.

We will also be joined by Will Nifong and Colin Collete, owners of Mangel Florist, to discern what meaning congregants draw from floral displays during holiday periods as well as ordinary time. 

Palm Sunday (April 13) and Easter (April 20) — NO CLASSES

Holy Hip Hop
Sunday, April 27
11:00 a.m. in Borwell Dining Room and via Zoom

Led by Kevin Coval, Senior Advisor to Eboo Patel, InterFaith America

Hip Hop is an African Diasporic movement that has its roots in de-industrialized cities in America in the late ’60s and early ’70s. Originating as a sub- and counter-cultural force in New York, Hip Hop is now one of the largest global youth cultural practices the world has ever known. This class will investigate the origins of this cultural art form, its various practices and associated lineages which are united by principles of interfaith understanding and black and LatinX culture and religious heritage.

Ultreia: Reflections on the Fourth Church Camino Pilgrimage of 2024
Sunday, May 4
11:00 a.m. in Borwell Dining Room and via Zoom

Led by Toni Yang and Luke Beasley, Fourth Church members along with Joe Morrow

In 2024, 16 Fourth Church members and friends went on pilgrimage to Spain to walk the historic Camino De Santiago. The route leads to the city of Santiago de Compostela where traditions put the bones of James, an apostle of Jesus. For six days, Pastor Joe Morrow and our pilgrims walked nearly 75 miles of the Camino Portuguese route as they reflected and feasted together, met strangers and were welcomed into small Spanish towns. Come find insight and inspiration as they share their stories and reflections.

Bridge of Hope: Japanese American Christians and Fourth Church
Sunday, May 11
11:00 a.m. in Borwell Dining Room and via Zoom

Led by Lisa Doi and Joe Morrow

One of the great stories of Fourth Church history is the congregation’s welcome of the Japanese Church of Christ and their pastor Rev. Ai Chih Tsai during and immediately following World War II. Using digital archival material from the Densho archive documenting the Japanese American internment and incarceration experience, Pastor Joe Morrow will uncover new aspects of the story of this important intercultural partnership. Then, Dr. Lisa Doi, a Japanese American historian and Buddhist, will put the history of our Christian congregations in the larger context of Japanese American history.

Videos of the Bible Study with Tom Are

During the pandemic, Tom Are wrote a short book, Joy Even on Your Worst Days, which he calls “a preacher’s read of Philippians.”

Using the book as a guide, in autumn 2024 Tom led us in exploring the letter of Philippians, the most joyful writing in the Bible even though it was written while Paul was in prison.

You can view the four presentations from the Bible study here:

Video of Session 1
Video of Session 2
Video of Session 3
Video of Session 4

Give Us Your Input

To make an inquiry for information or to send evaluative comments, or to suggest a future course offering, email the Adult Education office.

Recommendation Form for a class or speaker
Proposal Form to submit a class of your own for consideration

Staff/Contact Information

Matt Helms
Associate Pastor for Children, Family, and Welcoming Ministries

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