Fourth Church is Committed to Interfaith Relations
Fourth Presbyterian Church has a long history of vibrant and mutually beneficial relationships with neighboring communities from the Jewish, Muslim, and other faith traditions.
The Interfaith Relations Committee of Fourth Church supports our community’s efforts to deepen our Christian faith by engaging the faith traditions of others. We serve as a resource to our church’s members, ministries, and friends in seeking to promote understanding, fellowship, and service for the common good among all people of faith.
The Interfaith Relations Committee invites you to join the committee’s email list by contacting Simon Crow (312.573.3369) to learn more about upcoming interfaith opportunities at Fourth Church, including
• Book discussions and public presentations on interfaith topics
• Interfaith worship services
• Tours of places of worship
• Joint service and advocacy projects
• Education on other faith traditions’ practices and celebrations
• Fine arts performances
• Festival meals to celebrate the Jewish High Holy Days and the Muslim month of Ramadan
• Classes with interfaith themes, offered by the Academy for Faith and Life
Ongoing Interfaith Opportunities with Fourth Church
Ramadan, observed by Muslims world-wide as a month of worship, spirituality, compassion, charity, and dawn-to-dusk fasting, begins on February 28 and runs through March 29. During the month, there will be plenty of opportunities for all of us to be good neighbors by participating in the activities with the Niagara Foundation, a Turkish Muslim organization and frequent interfaith partner of Fourth Presbyterian Church, as well as with the Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago and its Christian–Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice (CCME). Mark your calendars now for Ramadan iftars that come to us from A Center of Christian–Muslim Engagement for Peace and Justice (CCME) and Lutheran School of Theology in Chicago. Saturday, March 8 Saturday, March 15 Prior to the Iftar, there will be a panel discussion on “Recognizing the 60th Anniversary of Nostra Aetate and Its Impact on Christian–Muslim Relations Today.” This discussion will explore the ongoing significance of Nostra Aetate, the landmark Vatican II document that transformed interfaith dialogue. Saturday, March 15 Free parking is available at the adjacent CTU parking garage. Saturday, March 22 More to come! Please check out the Shoulder to Shoulder Campaign's calendar of national iftars to join and other resources here: Ramadan Resources. “Religion and Politics: Talking Together about Issues That Drive Us Apart” This Zoom opportunity hosted by the Chicago Theological Seminary (CTS) and led by Katherine Stewart and Reza Aslan of CTS is open to the public. There is a suggested donation to attend this informative and timely event. Thursday, February 27 |
If you wish to receive periodic updates of upcoming interfaith events, please send your email address to Katie Patterson.