Today’s Reading | John 1:1–5
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and without him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.
I spent the first years of my education at a parochial school where we had daily religion classes and weekly chapel. On Sundays, I would attend Sunday school and church services with my family—and yet even as an adult I struggle with the concept of the Trinity, of one God in three persons.
I believe John knew there would be questions about this concept of the Trinity, and he wanted to make it clear right from the very beginning of his Gospel exactly who Jesus is and what his relationship is with the Father and us. I believe John is assuring us that Jesus was there with the Father before creation. Jesus was an active participant in the creation of everything: our amazing world, the stars in the heavens, the galaxies beyond, and, more importantly, he was part of the creation of the human race.
Jesus, the little baby whose birth we are preparing to celebrate at Christmas, has been with us all along. He wasn’t made or created for our salvation. When sin entered in and caused the darkness, Jesus became the light we needed to overcome the sin and evil in our world and our sure demise. These words of John assure me that Jesus did not allow the sin and evil of this world to win. Jesus overcame death for us by entering our world as a small infant who would take on our darkness and overcome it on Easter.
As I prepare for the coming of baby Jesus, I want to remind myself that it doesn’t matter if I fully understand the Trinity, but it does matter that I am sure and confident that the baby Jesus is my God and my Savior and has been since before the beginning of time.
Dear Lord, I come to you with joy and thanksgiving that you were willing to become flesh and dwell among us in order to save us. I ask for your guidance in the days ahead in sharing with others the true miracle of your birth and how you overcame the darkness and brought light eternal to us all. Amen.
Written by Linnea Schramm, Member of Fourth Presbyterian Church
Reflection and Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church
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