Today’s Hymn
All glory, laud, and honor to thee, Redeemer, King,
to whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring!
To thee, before thy passion,
they sang their hymns of praise;
to thee, now high exalted,
our melody we raise. Refrain
Thou didst accept their praises;
accept the prayers we bring,
who in all good delightest,
thou good and gracious King! Refrain
“All Glory, Laud, and Honor” (vv. 3–4) by Theodulph of Orleans (c. 760–821)
Hymn 196, Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal
“All glory and honor to thee, Redeemer King, to whom the lips of children made sweet hosannas ring”
The children made sweet hosannas ring! Palm Sunday is my favorite worship service at Fourth Church. I love the parade of children and families waving palm branches. The overflow of babies and kids of all ages in and around the chancel is breathtaking. The abundance of joy, awe, and hope is clear to see.
I appreciate that this vision of a church bustling with children and young families is not typical, but it’s at the heart of what it is to be a community of faith. I picture how happy Jesus must have been to see the children smiling and singing. He also knew that in a few days these smiles would be traded for tears and sadness at his death. Yet he seemed to soak in and savor the joy. The cheers and comfort of Palm Sunday did not dissuade Jesus from the pain and suffering that he would endure for us. Jesus was willing to move past praise and safety to sacrifice for the greater good.
Dear gracious Lord, help us to be salt and light to our neighbors. Help us internalize and savor praise. Let us push aside self-doubt or those words from family or peers that sting and we cling onto, pushing out your unconditional love for us. Help us step outside of our comfort zone and venture towards those in need extending your grace and love. Amen.
Written by Ranjan Daniels, Member of Fourth Presbyterian Church
Reflection and Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church
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