Devotion • May 2

Thursday, May 2, 2024  

Today's Hymn
“Be Thou My Vision”

Riches I heed not,
nor vain, empty praise;
thou mine inheritance,
now and always;
thou and thou only,
first in my heart,
High King of Heaven,
my treasure thou art.

translation by Mary E. Byrne
Hymn 450, Glory to God
verse 3


Music is powerful. This has been my favorite hymn for a long time. It’s a beautiful prayer with such a calming melody. It’s a song that by happenstance, or by divine design, is tied closely to some key moments in my spiritual life — all of which have happened at Fourth Presbyterian Church. When I was asked to sing an a cappella solo during a Lenten service, this is the hymn I chose. It was the hymn playing when I finally started to find closure and healing after the end of a relationship with someone I loved deeply. It’s one of the hymns my husband and I chose for our wedding ceremony.

The hardest thing about leaving Chicago was leaving Fourth Church. I’ve never experienced a stronger sense of community or belonging, and I doubt I ever will. I felt a connection to God in that place and with those people, and a sense of purpose — as a Deacon, a choir member, and a committee member — that deeply fed and comforted my soul. This hymn, like Fourth Church, will always hold a special place in my heart.

My husband is Catholic. We attend a Catholic church and baptized both of our sons Catholic. I don’t have any regrets. We’re doing what’s right for our family, but sometimes I feel disconnected and miss who I was and how my relationship with God felt during my time in Chicago and at Fourth Church. The memories and moments this hymn invoke are ones I find especially comforting right now.

When I feel far from you, or from myself, I am thankful for the things like a favorite hymn that remind me who and whose I am. Lord, help me keep you always first in my heart — whenever I am. Amen.

Written by Nicole Spirgen, Member of Fourth Presbyterian Church

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