Devotion • May 3

Friday, May 3, 2024  

Today's Hymn
“Be Thou My Vision”

High King of Heaven,
my victory won,
may I reach heaven’s joys,
O bright heaven’s Son!
Heart of my own Heart,
whatever befall,
still be my vision,
O Ruler of all.

translation by Mary E. Byrne
Hymn 450, Glory to God
verse 4


I love the story in which a rich young man asks Jesus what he must do to inherit eternal life. Mark says that Jesus, “looking at him, loved him” (Mark 10:21). I imagine that Jesus saw into the man’s heart, knew he would be incapable of doing as Jesus said, and loved him anyway. Jesus didn’t love the man despite his inability to follow; Jesus just straight-up loved him.

I wish I could see as Jesus sees. As much as I try to be unconditional in my love, to reserve judgment, and to never think unkindly of anyone, I am all too human. So I appreciate these words from today’s hymn. When I invite God to “be thou my vision,” I ask to see the world as God does. And perhaps with God’s help, I can look with love as Jesus does.

This final verse encourages us to look ahead — to set our sights on the joy and brightness of heaven — which also offers a lens through which to see the world. This doesn’t mean that earthly concerns are unimportant, but it reminds us that “whatever befall” God still rules.

Writer Glennon Doyle says she puts on her metaphorical “perspectacles” when she needs a reality check. Sure, the world can insist that we need to acquire more, be more, or do more to be worthy of love. But by consciously choosing to see through the lens of faith, we invite a fresh perspective that encourages gratitude, acceptance, and love.

Holy God, help me to look and to love. Open my eyes to see the best in everyone and —when I can’t — give me fresh “perspectacles” to help me see the world as Jesus does. Amen.

Written by Amy Pagliarella, Parish Associate for Caring Ministries

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