Devotion • May 15

Wednesday, May 15, 2024  

Today's Hymn
“Take My Life”

Take my will and make it thine;
it shall be no longer mine.
Take my heart, it is thine own,
it shall be thy royal throne,
it shall be thy royal throne.

by Frances Ridley Havergal
Hymn 697, Glory to God
verse 5


Oh, no! Not this text! Not this topic! It’s too hard! Any topic besides one that makes me consider handing over my will. What is the “will?” I think, and have been told, that I am “strong-willed.” Strangely, I am comfortable with that. I think my “will” is composed of the thoughts that make me “me.” Am I willing to ask God to take away the “me?” I feel a bit awkward saying that I am more comfortable with the phrase “Take my life” or “Take my heart” than “Take my will.”

Lately I’ve heard people around me say to others, “You need to get a bigger God.” This has caused me to consider that my sense of self (will?) is directly proportional to my sense of God. If I can, in my perception, decrease the size of me, I can, in turn, increase the size of, or bigness, of God. I am glad that the hymn asks for God to “Take my will and make it thine, it shall be no longer mine” because, honestly, I am not developed enough at this time to give my will to God.

I am glad for this concept to be included in a hymn. I can sing hymns over and over and am inspired when called to do that in the congregation. I also have the blessing/curse of having tunes run ever and always through my head! Hopefully, I can attach the text to this ongoing soundbite. It makes for a good mantra — one that I can use as a reminder if my day starts to go sideways.

God, help me to pour my will, my life, and myself at thy feet. Help me be “ever, only, all for thee.” Amen.

Written by Katy Sinclair, Associate Director of Music for Children and Youth

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