Today's Scripture
John 1:6–9
There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world. (NRSV)
My father and I agreed that it was better for us both that I learned physics from our school’s other physics teacher. At least, I mean during the day. I’d get looks that said my teacher was aware I had a live-in tutor, my dad.
I treasure memories of the time I spent doing my homework in Dad’s classroom, while he graded, set up experiments, and otherwise prepared for the next day. Then we rode home together, talking about all sorts of things.
It was a great time to check on things that bothered me — such as the nature of light. Some physicists describe light like particles, and people think of it as particles. But then others declare that light travels in waves, and “light waves” becomes the popular expression.
As it’s explained in 30-Second Physics, edited by Brian Clegg, there is a “Wave/Particle Duality.” Sometimes light can best be understood as acting like waves; at other times it can best be understood as acting like particles. As the book explains, digital cameras can best be understood by some components treating light as a particle, others as a wave.
This kind of thing fascinated Dad, who was also a Presbyterian elder. Models and theories, he reminded me, are science’s way of explaining what we know. Finding out that light fit the wave theory didn’t make the particle theory wrong, and vice versa. Both are ways to understand. Mystery remains. So does wonder — in the sense of questions, but also in the sense of awe.
We talked about words on many Sunday afternoons, sometimes because of church lessons. I remember him being amazed that John’s image of light is so deep — centuries before either wave or particle theories.
“It’s just light, just itself,” he would say.
Father God, thank you for the gift of light. As we prepare to remember the arrival of your Son, “the Light of the world,” thank you for explaining things in a way that your children’s minds can understand. Thank you for the wonder-full gift. Amen.
Written by Margaret Laing, Member of Fourth Presbyterian Church
Written by Ken Gaines, Member of Fourth Presbyterian Church
Reflection and Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church
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