Daily Devotion • February 9

Sunday, February 9, 2025  

As we continue to share some of the devotions written by Dr. John Buchanan during his time as Pastor of Fourth Presbyterian Church, today we read a reflection from July 2001.

Today's Scripture
Mark 2:23–28

One sabbath he was going through the grainfields; and as they made their way his disciples began to pluck heads of grain. The Pharisees said to him, “Look, why are they doing what is not lawful on the sabbath?” And he said to them, “Have you never read what David did when he and his companions were hungry and in need of food? He entered the house of God, when Abiathar was high priest, and ate the bread of the Presence, which it is not lawful for any but the priests to eat, and he gave some to his companions.” Then he said to them, “The sabbath was made for humankind, and not humankind for the sabbath; so the Son of Man is lord even of the sabbath.” (NRSV)

Hymn Text
“Dear Lord and Father of Mankind”
Drop thy still dews of quietness,
Till all our strivings cease;
Take from our souls the strain and stress,
And let our ordered lives confess
The beauty of thy peace.

Breathe through the heats of our desire
Thy coolness and thy balm;
Let sense be dumb, let flesh retire;
Speak through the earthquake, wind, and fire,
O still, small voice of calm!
(Hymn text written by John Greenleaf Whittier, 1872)


Many of us can remember when life slowed down on Sunday and activities were restricted in order to observe the sabbath. I could never quite understand some of the rules, but it did make a lot of sense to treat one day a week differently and to set aside time for rest and leisure.

Jesus and his disciples violated a sabbath law one time and, when he was reprimanded, told his accusers that “the sabbath was made for humankind.” That is to say, the idea of a day of rest, one day out of seven to enjoy a rest, leisure, and recreation, is God’s idea and a very good one at that. It’s an idea busy people need. Give yourself the gift of leisure time, a sabbath, this weekend. Jesus told you to.

Dear God, slow me down. Help me to take a deep breath and lay down the tools of my work long enough to enjoy my life, my friends, my dear ones. Keep me from the all-consuming need to work long hours so that I may experience the wonder of your good creation. Thank you for the reminder that sabbath is your idea, your gift to me: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Written by John M. Buchanan, Pastor Emeritus
July 20, 2001

Reflection and Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church

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