About the Advocacy Committee
The Advocacy Committee strives to offer opportunities for the congregation to share Jesus’ love and his call to seek justice by reaching out to make changes in public policies that impact the lives of all God’s people. In keeping with this mission, this subcommittee of the World Mission and Social Justice Council offers opportunities to put faith into action.
The Advocacy Committee also provides educational seminars through the Academy for Faith and Life. For more information about the current issues supported by the Fourth Church World Mission and Social Justice Council, contact Nancy Davis (312.274.3815).
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Advocacy Letters
The Advocacy Committee periodically makes available on this page letters to send to legislative and executive officials to urge action to ensure justice for all.
Center for Tax and Budget Accountability
Voices for Illinois Children
Eco-Justice Collaborative
Faith in Place
Amnesty International
Cease Fire
Illinois Council against Handgun Violence
Campaign for Better Healthcare
Center for Tax and Budget Accountability
Children’s Defense Fund
Voices for Illinois Children
Bread for the World
Chicago Coalition for the Homeless
Greater Chicago Food Depository
Illinois Hunger Coalition
Voices for Illinois Children
National Council of Churches
PC(USA) Mission Through Advocacy
Presbyterian Legislative Action Center
Presbyterian Witness in Washington
Illinois General Assembly
League of Women Voters