About the Shower Ministry Program
Shower Ministry at Fourth Church supports people of our surrounding community who are without access to showers, providing shower times in the Gratz Center between the hours of 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday afternoons.
How It Works
A week in advance, guests book their shower appointment through the Chicago Lights Social Service Center staff (312.640.2571) and receive appointment cards specifying the date and time of their shower.
The shower rooms at Fourth Church are individualized, accessible, and provide for both safety and security.
Each registered guest is met in the Gratz Center Commons by a volunteer and escorted to the shower area where two other volunteers (one male, one female) greet guests and offer them grooming and hygiene items, new socks, new underwear, disposable shower slippers, towels, and washcloths.
Facilities Staff clean and disinfect each shower and the adjoining sink and bathroom area between guests.
Volunteer Needs and Donations
Three to four volunteer greeters per week are required to run this weekly program. (To volunteer, sign up via VOMO or contact Robert Crouch, Director of Volunteer Ministry.)
Shower items are acquired through a combination of both material and cash donations from a variety of sources.
For information about Shower Ministry, contact Nancy Davis (312.274.3815), Coordinator for Mission.