Sunday, February 13, 2000
Offered by William A. C. Golderer, Associate Pastor
Gracious and ever-loving God, our maker, defender, redeemer and friend, we gather to rejoice in all that you have done and all you continue to do to reveal yourself to us. Behind the majesty of a storm, you stand. Above the star-lit canopy of space, you reign. Beneath the desert sands and icy waters, you live and move. Within our hearts, You dwell.
You have breathed life into us that we might know you and praise you. And so we lament with the psalmist when you hide your face from us. Yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, but often ours is the longing. We search for assurances of your care for us. We long for relief from things which distract us from our callings. We are in constant need of your unmistakable and unrelenting love for us.
We pray this day for those who govern around the world. That they might use their power and influence in the service of all. We pray for our President and his advisors, and all those who are seeking to hold public office—that they might have the stamina for their rigorous schedules.
We pray for this city and especially all who feel lost in it. Grant that connection and comfort might chase away their feelings of estrangement.
We pray for your church around the world and for this congregation—that it might faithfully serve as a reliable guide for all who seek encounter with you. We pray for those we know who are hurting this day. For those who feel alone or empty inside. For all for whom tears are always near the surface. . . whose hearts are breaking from grief or regret. For those who are wrestling with the demons of addiction or disease. For all whom we know who are weary of their struggles and are losing hope. We ask that they might find healing, find encouragement, find you.
We pray for ourselves—that we might always persist in our search for relationship with you. That we will push past distractions and disillusionment and find ourselves at home and at rest in your care. We lift up to you now in silence the things which are pressing upon our hearts.
With confidence that in seeking after you, we will truly find you. That in knocking on the door, you will swing it open wide and greet us as loved and lost children, we join together in the prayer your Son taught us to pray . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church