Sunday, October 14, 2001
Offered by Donna Gray, Interim Associate Pastor for Children and Family Ministry
God, tender and strong God, loving and good: how great your love and goodness are to us. Out of your love you extend your grace and reward those who do not deserve it. It is out of your love that we are not crushed but able to survive the challenges surrounding us.
We dare, O God, to thank you that our lives are sometimes difficult, that we need to face hard experiences if we are to know your power strengthening us and if our characters are to be fully formed.
Defend us against these anxieties and fears, which seek to undermine us. Under your wings shelter us when faith and courage seem fleeting, until they return. Open our eyes to see what you can do for us when we put ourselves at your disposal. Help us to hold firm to your promises and laugh at impossibilities—as we see them becoming possible.
Help us so to worship that we trust you more fully and are better equipped to go further along the road of faith.
Create new hope where we are weary and emotionally bedraggled.
Create new ideas where we are empty and uninspired.
Create new community where we are lonely and feel that no one else cares.
Continue to create hope and life and fellowship.
We know, O God, that as long as you recognize us, all will be well and we need not worry about ourselves or those we love.
And we know that yours is a love that will not let us go.
We rest our weary souls in you and pray, Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church