Sunday, March 3, 2002
Offered by Carol J. Allen, Associate Pastor for Congregational Care
Holy Lord God, we have come in out of a bone-chilling morning seeking warmth—the warmth of companionship, comfort in our suffering, light from your Word, rekindling of faith, and the renewal of courage to cope with daily demands. Gracious God, remember us who are gathered here with this household of your people. Look kindly upon us and grant us your hope, your healing, and your peace.
We thank you for the gift of our lives and the measure of health that is in us. In all ages you have offered “surprising and gracious provision for your people.” Even as we grumble and doubt, like our ancestors in the faith, “your love is flowing among us with continuous mercy.”
Creating and renewing God, “we need your love like water from the rock, quenching thirst and refreshing those who are weary. We pray for your love to spring up and flow” into all places of need in our world. “To come near to you is to change,” so bring us close to you [inspired by David Steere]. We pray that we might loosen our grip on personal hates and fears, stubborn ambitions, and lovelessness that holds back the maturing of the human community [Dianne Karay]. We pray for the sweetness of your peace to flow between those who are locked in animosities and violence fueled by ancient hatreds and stereotypes based in race, class, ethnic, and national identities. We pray for peace between Israelis and Palestinians, between Hindus and Muslims, between Christians, Jews, and Muslims. Stay the hands that destroy life. Empower the hands of all who work to end killing and who seek to distribute the abundance of your creation that all might flourish and breathe easy in the night.
Rule the hearts of all who govern us in our nation and in all nations, that they may do justice, love mercy, and walk in the ways of truth. Bless and defend all who strive for our safety and protection, and shield them from danger and adversities. Grant us to find and put into practice ways that insure dignity, food, and shelter for all. Defend and provide for the widowed and the orphaned, the refugees and the homeless, the unemployed, and all who are desolate and oppressed. Strengthen and preserve children; comfort the aged, the bereaved, and the lonely. Heal those who are sick in body or mind, and give skill, resiliency, and compassion to all who care for them.
Judging and redeeming God, keep our feet firmly in the way where Christ leads us, make our mouths speak the truth that Christ teaches us, fill our bodies with the life that is Christ in us, and show the love of Christ through us [adapted from The Book of Common Worship, PCUSA]. We are bold to pray in the words Jesus taught his followers to say: Our Father. . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church