Sunday, May 6, 2007
Offered by Elizabeth B. Andrews, Parish Associate
Great and gracious God:
in galaxies beyond our imagining,
infinities beyond what we are only beginning to understand
of time and matter and space,
“your word is still creating,
calling us to life made new” (The Hymnal, 285)
And despite the dust and waste and turmoil of
human conflicts and compulsions,
your sweet earth still turns,
exquisite leaves and blooms unfold,
waves lap at shores,
your creatures’ breath and heartbeats go on
through the days and nights given.
For the gift of life amid all
that is good and beautiful in this world,
we give you thanks and praise.
How tender and precious and vulnerable it all is!
And for our many blessings we are grateful:
for the gifts of love and family and friendships,
the satisfactions where effort and creativity
have been fruitful,
for all the ways that your grace has made it possible
for us to persevere,
to experience some peace n the midst of uncertainty,
to find strength in the face of our limitations,
to recognize your hand at work where things have
turned out better
than what we could have imagined or devised
on our own.
Remembering . . . we are thankful.
In our own lives and relationships and in the life of the world
we are painfully aware of broken pieces,
the stunning—and subtle—injustices,
crying needs, toxic indifference, deadly will-to-power.
In all those places where what we can choose and do
would make a difference, guide us, dear God;
in all those places where we must wait and wonder
grant patience, hope, and courage;
and in those places where we cannot find the way alone,
enter in and guide us; draw us together to move as you will.
We remember before you this morning those of this fellowship,
and those of the wider circles of the family of your children
for whom the days are long and hard.
We remember those who are lonely or ill
or struggling in despair,
those undergoing treatment, awaiting tests or surgery,
the hungry and the hurting, and
those facing special challenges in the week ahead:
individuals and communities confronting loss and the tasks of rebuilding.
We pray for all near and far
who live in fear; all caught up
in cycles of violence and destruction.
Wisdom and new vision
we ask for all those who lead and decide
in the perilous balances of power and policies where
life and future are at stake.
“God, your word is still creating,
calling us to life made new.”
Hear us as we pray in the name of Jesus,
who took note of seeds and sparrows
and delighted in the lilies of the field,
and as he taught us we call upon you, saying, Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church