Sunday, May 4, 2008
Offered by Alice M. Trowbridge, Associate Pastor
Mysterious and wondrous God, we seek to know you in the beauty and fierceness of nature, in the gentle flower, in the laughter of children, in the quiet acceptance of the passing years. We look upon the heavens at night and see in the light of the stars a time that is no more. And yet we remember that in the face of Jesus, we see the traces of your being; that in his death and resurrection we experience grace and see ourselves not just as brief flickers in this swift life, but as your sons and daughters, given the gift of eternity and held securely in the hollow of your hand.
O loving and understanding God, forgive us when we lightly use each day given to us, when we fail to realize that each moment is precious and each hour evidence of your will that we have fullness of life and purpose.
You are the Lord of all, and you are with us in all our humanity, our joys, our sorrows, our grieving, our pain. We are comforted that Jesus Christ was an innovator, a courageous leader whose words and deeds spoke of a way of life that could not be grasped by conventional wisdom, where the last are first and the pure in heart abide in you. Today we pray for those who live in war, for those devastated by tornados, for those who live in disease and poverty, in abuse and neglect. We know of these situations only in part, but you know your people intimately, so we pray for justice and peace and a better day.
We pray for our leaders and for those of every nation, for clarity and courage. We pray for those who are ill of health, those who await test results, those whose strength is waning. May each know your silent presence and find comfort there.
We pray for our loved ones, our families and friends with whom life has deeper meaning and unexpected grace. We give thanks for those who have loved us and shown us what it means to be humble servants and to be seekers—with curiosity and fervor and zeal for life’s joys and your abundant love.
We thank you for the church universal and for this church, where we celebrate your call to the newly ordained officers of the church today. As we join together in community, we remember the life you call us allto lead—one of genuine faith and ardent hope, a life of compassion and kindness, a life where our actions speak of justice and kindness and peace. Forgive us when we languish in our purpose and put off disciplines that will make us better servants for your kingdom. Remake us in your image, we pray, and teach us again the meaning of true discipleship; guide our feet to follow you in the everlasting way. We pray in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, who taught us to pray together saying, Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church