Sunday, September 7, 2008
Offered by Joyce Shin, Associate Pastor
The psalmist sings, “I lift up my eyes to the hills—from where will my help come? My help comes from the Lord who made heaven and earth.” Let us look to God as we pray now for ourselves and for our world.
To whom else should we look for help, God, than to you? Out of nothing you created heaven and earth. Out of chaos you brought order. Your power astounds us.
Your might alone, however, is not why we look to you for help. We lift our eyes to you, Lord, because as we look out at all you have made, we know that you deem it to be good. There is goodness in your power. We know that you are for us and not against us. You are our loving Lord. So we turn to you with trust, relying ultimately on you for help.
We are sorry for our lifelong tendency to put our trust in powers that do not have the world’s well-being at heart. We rely on powers that are simply insufficient to carry out your goodwill, and we support powers that are good for us but not for everyone. Forgive us, God.
We pray for your revealing light, Lord, so that we can see more of what you have made, more of the world you care for and love. Extend our vision, Lord, so that day by day we can overcome our tendencies toward self-centeredness and learn to care as fiercely for others as we do for ourselves and what is ours.
You have created us in your image, and in doing so, you have given us amazing power. We are grateful for the power to act as our hearts desire. We are grateful for the power you have given us to be a blessing in the lives of others, to effect change, to make a difference in the world.
Strengthen our resolve to be advocates for those who have not been allowed to live into their potential. Fill us with your prophetic courage and spirit to stand up against forces that keep people down. Help us to pursue just priorities so that the young may be educated, the elderly cared for, the vulnerable protected, the hungry filled, the homeless safe.
Do not let the needs of your creation overwhelm us, Lord. Though the world’s needs are great, your power is greater. Help us always to rely on you, to look to you for help. As your son Jesus Christ, who relied wholly upon you taught us, we pray: Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church