Sunday, April 19, 2009
Offered by John W. Vest, Associate Pastor
Lord, we believe;
help our unbelief.
Lord, we have faith;
help us to be honest about our doubts.
Lord, we follow you;
help us to be humble about our limitations.
God of creation,
as spring rains nourish the earth,
we are reminded of your care for us
and for the whole world.
When we look at the world,
when we consider the cosmos,
when we explore the smallest particles of matter,
we are moved to give you thanks,
even when we don’t fully understand.
God of love,
when we share our lives with others,
with all the joys and pains that life brings,
we feel your presence in the love that binds us together.
We know that you are here with us,
and we are grateful.
God of our salvation,
continue to fill us with Easter hope,
and inspire us to live our lives in you and through you.
Help us to love you and love each other
in deep gratitude for the love you first show us.
God of peace,
help our warring world to stop killing;
help us to put down our weapons
and pick up instruments of peace.
Help us to confront violence in our city;
as a light shining in darkness,
may your good news transform our communities,
even as it transforms our own hearts and minds.
God of comfort,
be with those who are sick and dying;
give them rest and hope and healing.
Be with those that stand by them in love;
give them patience and courage and strength.
God of justice,
open our eyes to the oppression and suffering
that is all around us;
open our eyes to our own implication and complicity,
and inspire us to change ourselves and change the world.
Good and gracious God,
we come to you this morning as people of faith
and people of doubt;
people of trust and people of suspicion;
people of success and people of failure;
people of love and people of hate;
each of us imperfect people seeking to know you
and follow you.
Thank you for meeting us where we are,
for patiently loving us even when we don’t love you,
for accepting us unconditionally,
yet challenging us to grow in you and change in love,
as you shape us into the likeness of your servant Jesus Christ.
This morning we continue to rejoice that he is raised and living.
May we not soon forget the mystery and majesty of Easter,
and may we move from the empty tomb into the world,
guided by the light of your love,
to proclaim in word and deed the good news
we have been given.
Christ is risen.
Christ is risen indeed.
And we are free.
Now hear us, dear God, as we pray the prayer
that our Savior taught us.
Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church