Prayers of the People

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Offered by Victoria G. Curtiss, Associate Pastor

O God of peace, send us your healing and reconciling power, so that fear may be cast out by love, weapons replaced by trust, and violence give way to understanding.

O God of justice, make real your mercy and righteous judgment, so that we may hear the cries of the oppressed in many lands, see the suffering of the poor in our own neighborhoods, and return to your way of righteousness and compassion.

O God of love, help us recognize your extravagant goodness and blessings, that we may see you in the people of every race and culture; embrace you in the lonely, the bereaved, and the rejected; and be an accepting and caring church.

O God of unity, permeate us with your forgiveness and healing grace, so we may witness to reconciliation for a divided world, gather around Christ’s table as one people, and turn the other cheek to those who harm us.

O God of hope and promises, we marvel at your faithfulness for generations, even when we have not been faithful to you. We ask that your mysterious, powerful presence is made known to people who are in special need this day. Help all of humanity celebrate the new things you are doing in this world as we journey toward your kingdom coming on earth. Hear us as we pray together what Jesus taught us to pray: Our Father . . .

(Adapted from a prayer at the opening service of the Fourth Assembly (1985) of the Uniting Church in Australia.)

Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church


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