Sunday, September 20, 2009
Offered by Alice M. Trowbridge, Associate Pastor
Almighty God, you created the heavens and the earth, and humankind in your image. We praise you for our world, for your mighty and tender hand, which shapes our lives. We gather today with gratitude, seeking your guidance in all matters, so that we may serve you with reverence and joy. For in you, O God, lie our deepest hopes, our greatest trust, our surest sense of purpose to contribute to the building of your kingdom.
Hear us as we pray for our world, for leaders of nations, for places where there is warfare and strife. We pray for peace and for your love to reign. We pray for our own country, for the debates of our day, for elected officials and representatives to be guided in their deliberations by your ideals for justice, fairness, and liberty and freedom for all.
We pray for the people of the world, people of all faith traditions, and especially our Jewish brothers and sisters in these High Holy Days. Continue to bless us with the richness of our trusted interfaith friendships and mutual respect for deep faith traditions where we share the common goal of growing closer to you and bringing you glory.
We pray for loved ones and friends who are in a time of loss or grief, a time of illness or distress. Bless your children, O God, and remind us of the company of heaven, that great host of saints who guide us and stand with us as we carry on the journey here. Send us all a measure of your wisdom and strength to face whatever lies ahead with courage and to companion others with the love and compassion we have seen in our Lord.
Your love for us and for all creation lies beyond our ability to grasp; it is too wonderful to name. And yet it is the source of all that is good in us. Remind us of the treasure you have placed within each one of us, and when we are tempted to neglect you or all that you have shown us to live for and to care for, call us back to your ways, into your service, into your everlasting arms, and make us whole again by your unfailing love. We pray through Jesus Christ our Lord, who taught us to pray together saying, Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church