Sunday, December 27, 2009
Offered by Linda C. Loving, Minister for Evangelism
Gracious Creator, Christmas joy lingers in the air; the city shimmers with fresh snow like a blanket of hope for new life in this season. We praise you for all the gifts of these days, especially the unseen ones: the love that links family and friends; the blessings of forgiveness, of resentments relinquished; and especially the unseen gift of the Spirit of the innocent child born in Bethlehem, with us still.
Innocence seems elusive, O God. The skies that echo angel songs also carry threats of harm, stirring uncertainty, reminding us of the complexity of your world. We pray for your light to enter dark hearts, for your Spirit to undo evil schemes. We pray for peace—an ancient cry—peace on earth, goodwill to all. Such is your vision, such is our hope, and we pray that you would use each one of us as instruments of your peace, whether in our homes, our workplaces, our city, our nation. We are grounded in the Prince of Peace, and so make us your peacemakers in daring and imaginative ways. As well we ask you to protect all who make sacrifices to keep us safe.
Gathered in the warmth of this place, we seek your mercy for those literally left out in the cold. We remember as well those whose hearts have grown cold with loss, with disappointment, with fear. In your tender mercy, hold us close, as a mother with her child. And may we who have witnessed your astonishing love bring healing to brokenness—whether in people, systems, institutions, governments. We are humbled by your birth in the straw, in the dirt, and also empowered by that mysterious incarnation—empowered with a love that can transform everything, with a love that is eternal.
Holy God, fill us with grace and courage to live the deep joy of all these blessings, to be a blessing to others, to live the life you have shown us in Jesus Christ, in whose name we pray together as he taught us, Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church