Prayers of the People

Sunday, May 16, 2010
Offered by Jocelyn C. Cadwallader, Pastoral Resident

Creating God, we praise you for your handiwork in shaping and sustaining your wondrous creation. For the miracle of life and the wonder of living; for the resources of this earth and the gifts of creative vision and skillful craft; for these things, O Lord, we give you thanks. We are mindful that with each blessing there is great responsibility to steward your gifts well. We pray, O God, that we might learn new and blessed ways to participate in the good stewardship of your creation. As oil leaks into the ocean, as war terrorizes the nations, as peoples are fighting against peoples, and as fear and greed dominate world markets, may we be evermore mindful of your call in our lives to be better stewards of your gifts.

May we be more mindful of you in our lives; you who call us to love one another; you, O God, who cast fear out of the hearts of all as you remind us to consider the lilies; you who created this world and called it good. Through Jesus Christ, break down the walls of hostility that divide us, and send peace on earth. Put down greed, pride, and anger, which turn nation against nation and race against race. Remove hate and prejudice from us and from all people, so that your children may be reconciled with those we fear, resent, or threaten. Grant that we might live together in your peace.

Merciful God, you bear the pain of the world. Look with compassion on those who ail and with those who mourn. Nurture and cheer them with your Word, and bring healing as a sign of your grace. And as you stand with each of us, may we be reminded that neither death, nor life, nor things present, nor things to come shall separate any of us from your love. Give us faith in our praying and love in our serving, that by your power we may find a new balance in living and a new victory in adversity.

God of Glory, as a potter fashions a vessel from humble clay, you form us into a new creation. You hear how all creation groans in labor as it awaits redemption. As we work for and dwell within your new creation, we trust that you will answer our prayers with grace and fulfill your promise that all things work together for good for those who you love.

Yours is the morning, and yours is the evening. Let Christ, the Light of the world, shine forever in our hearts and draw us to the light of your radiant glory. Amen.

Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church


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