Sunday, May 30, 2010
Offered by Adam H. Fronczek, Associate Pastor
Merciful God, Lady Wisdom calls to us, but we fear the world does not hear her.
O Lord, we long for wisdom, and we wring our hands, we shake our fists, and we cry to you, because we cannot understand the things of this world where wisdom seems gone. Hear our prayers.
We pray for the world you have created, O God, and where the creation cries, we ask for your healing touch. Along the Gulf Coast we hear the cry of your creation. In the sickness of shorelines and the destruction of economies and livelihoods, we hear your creation cry. In our failed efforts to solve the problem, we witness the power of creation and we see the folly of our own wisdom. We pray earnestly, O Lord, for our leaders in government and industry; help them to direct the best of the gifts you have given them as they seek to correct this tragedy. We ask your blessing and your presence among the countless victims, especially the people of the Gulf Coast, a people who fear that their country will be forget them yet again.
When tragedy strikes, we often forget the more ordinary places where your presence is needed, but we know, God, that in your wisdom you do not forget. So we pray for mothers and fathers with new children, giving thanks for those who are healthy and praying for those who suffer. We pray for young people preparing for summer, remembering to give thanks for time to play and mourning the reality that even on playgrounds some will die. We ask your presence with our community of faith, that we might be a welcoming and healing place for all kinds of people, whether they are like us or not. We ask your presence this Memorial Day weekend in the homes and lives of the soldiers and sailors of today, and we remember with thanks those who have gone before them, sacrificing even their lives for the freedom of others. Bless women and men in uniform and their families. Comfort and sustain them where injury or mental anguish have changed the course of their lives. And we pray for ourselves, O Lord, for each soul gathered in this room is part of your creation; all of us are people who have needs and must make choices. We cry out for your presence. Be with us as we struggle to get along with a spouse or raise a child. Be with us as we struggle to manage our money and make progress against our addictions. Be with us as we struggle to care for our aging parents and honor their wisdom. Be with us as we struggle to manage our anger or our jealousy or our depression. Merciful God, hear our prayers.
Help us to hear and to be wise, for in your creation there is wisdom and power for us, and your creating work is not done, Lord. There is much left to do. Help us to remember that with you we have nothing to fear. May we consider the heavens and the work of your hands, and may we always be amazed that you are mindful of us. And so help us not to neglect the counsel you give so generously.
Help us to find you and to find life, to persevere, to survive, to flourish, and to live without fear. And may we never stop hearing that the world as you have created it is very good; so may we never neglect it.
Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church