Sunday, April 14, 2013
Offered by Victoria G. Curtiss, Associate Pastor
O God of all creation, in this Easter season we praise you for the wondrous ways you bless us with the beauty of nature, with the gifts of music and art, friendship, and the newness of life that comes through forgiveness, resurrection, and hope. We thank you that you never give up on our becoming your faithful people and that you choose us to be instruments of your healing love in this broken world. Make us worthy of your investment and effective in pursuing your purposes.
We confess to you that sometimes our hearts are hardened, our eyes blind, and our spirits numb to the change you seek in and among us and our communities. The relentless reports of violence in our city and nation too often render us helpless. Agitate us to lament and then to action. Guide our efforts towards justice and towards a peace that allows everyone to feel safe in their own neighborhoods and in all public places. We ask that you comfort all those who have lost a loved one to violence.
Strengthen the fragile steps towards change being attempted by our public officials. Override our fears as a nation. Let the pursuit of financial profit have less influence than our valuing of human life. Lead us to seek our security in the only source which can truly give it, which is you.
We also pray for those burdened by the lack of employment, food, money, or a warm place to call home. Strengthen and heal those who are ill or recovering from surgery. Nurture a deep desire to embrace life in all who may be depressed or lonely. Lighten the stress for those who are overworked, and bring balance to any who are driven. Deepen our trust that you love us fully, so that we do not seek to validate ourselves in others’ eyes.
All this we pray in confidence that you know our needs even better than we and desire even more for us than we can imagine. Hear us now as we pray together the prayer Jesus taught, saying, Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church