Prayers of the People

Easter Sunday, March 27, 2016
Offered by Victoria G. Curtiss, Associate Pastor

Most merciful and glorious God, we come before you with all praise and honor, giving thanks for your faithfulness in raising Christ Jesus from the dead. We give you thanks that, because Christ lived, died, and rose again, we have gained a vision of your eternal order. Because Christ particularly served those who were downtrodden and marginalized, we too have hope that lifts our spirits out of despair. Since Jesus taught us how to love our neighbor, dividing walls of hostility may no longer keep us apart. Your power of resurrection proclaims that goodness is stronger than evil, love is stronger than hate, light is stronger than darkness, and life is stronger than death. We praise you that victory is ours.

We desire that your way is indelibly written within us. Bless us with your Holy Spirit, that we go out of our way to serve others with compassion and for justice. When we face troubled times, be our source of comfort and strength. In our search for faithful maturity, may your wisdom prevail.

We lift up to you this day all who are suffering because of some form of violence done to them, whether the context is war, terrorism, racism, gangs, sexual exploitation, or domestic abuse. Teach us to honor the dignity of all your children and to learn the ways of peace. Heal the places of brokenness in the world, and grant us your comfort and reconciliation. May all who have recently experienced loss have a special sense of your presence and be reassured of the gift of eternal life and heavenly reunion. Be with those who don’t hold much hope for a brighter future, and inspire them with faith and resources of support. All this we pray in name of Jesus the Risen Christ, who taught us to pray together saying, Our Father . . .

Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church


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