Prayers of the People

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Offered by Victoria G. Curtiss, Associate Pastor

God, bless to us each day.
God, bless to us each night.
Bless, O bless, God of grace,
each day and each hour of our lives.

God, bless the pathway on which we go.
God, bless the earth that is beneath the sole.
Bless, O God, and give to us your love.

We ask, O God, that your Spirit would direct the work of our minds and hands, that what we sow in the name of Christ may bear much fruit and bring you glory.

We pray for those in prison and for chaplains and others who minister to them.

We pray for our city, as some of us enjoy its beautiful weather and free concerts while others live afraid of violence. Lead gang members to affirm life and choose it. Grant us your peace.

We pray for our state, that resources are released for much needed services, especially for those who struggle with poverty or mental health issues.

We pray for our nation, that our elected leaders will make decisions out of compassion for all and to expand the welfare of the common good.

We pray for our world, and for all its creatures, flora and fauna, that climate change would be reduced and life can fully thrive.

Hear us now as we pray the prayer Jesus taught: Our Father . . .

Blessing for Those Leaving for a Spiritual Pilgrimage to Iona

God be with thee in every pass,
Jesus be with thee on every hill,
Spirit be with thee on every stream,
headland and ridge and lawn.

each sea and land, each moor and meadow,
each lying down, each rising up,
in the trough of the waves, on the crest of the billows,
each step of the journey thou goest.

The guarding of the God of life be on you;
The guarding of loving Christ be on you,
every night of your lives,
to aid you and enfold you
each day and night of your journey.

(from Carmina Gadelica, by Alexander Carmichael)

Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church


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