Sunday, June 16, 2019
Offered by Victoria G. Curtiss, Associate Pastor
On this Trinity Sunday, we thank you, Creator, Christ, and Spirit, for your love for us. We treasure your abiding presence in our lives: your mercy that redeems us, your grace that sustains us, and your Spirit that emboldens us to become our true selves and your Beloved Community.
On this Father’s Day, we thank you, loving God, for our fathers, our grandfathers, and those who were father figures for us. Whether they are still living or now only with us in spirit, we are grateful for the ways they have loved, guided, mentored, supported, and provided for us. We pray for all whose fathers have not been all that they needed or hoped, that you would fill that void in their hearts. And we pray for fathers. Please strengthen and uphold them as they are parents throughout their lives.
On this Baccalaureate Sunday, we pray for all who have recently reached the milestone of graduation. Bless each person listed in our worship bulletin, plus others in our schools, that they may be affirmed for their efforts, keep growing in their development, and discover how fully to use their gifts.
All this we pray in the name of Jesus Christ, our Savior, who taught us to pray together: Our Father . . .
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church