February 18, 2024
by Nanette Sawyer, Associate Pastor
Gracious and loving God, you are the wellspring of life, the creator of all things. We give you thanks that you have created us, that you have given us each other, and that you brought us to this day, to this church, to this community.
We lift up our hearts to you, aware of our own neediness and aware of the great needs of this world. We have received the gift of life and the capacity to love as well as the capacity to create. Thank you for pouring vitality into us.
We ask that you continue to fill us with your possibilities, your hopes, and your dreams for this world, for our future. Help us to serve you by serving your world and all sentient beings. You have created us all, and we give you thanks for the exuberant diversity of your creation.
In the midst of the beauty of your creation, God, your people are also suffering. We suffer many losses, from loss of health to loss of loved ones, from loss of jobs to loss of meaning and purpose. We have lost so many beloveds to gun violence, to cancer and other illnesses, to addictions, and to war. Help us to heal this world. Give wisdom and courage to leaders who can change the course of history. And give wisdom and courage to us to change the things that we can.
We know that you are unimaginably and miraculously with each of us in every moment of our need and every moment of our joy. Help us to know you, to feel you, to remember that you are here now and that you journey with us to guide, support, comfort, and heal us.
You know our prayers before we say them, before we even think them. Receive the prayers of our hearts and the prayers of our lips, even as we pray as Jesus taught us, saying, Our Father …
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church