Women at Fourth

About Women at Fourth

Women at Fourth is a community of women at Fourth Presbyterian Church who care for and nurture each other, deepening relationships with one another and with God through ongoing programming and special events. This fellowship group offers opportunities for women to connect through participation in service projects, faith-building gatherings, and more!

To learn more about how you can become involved in Women at Fourth or to sign up for the monthly email newsletter, contact staff liaison Katie Patterson (312.981.4035). All women at Fourth Church are invited to join Women at Fourth!

Benevolent Guild
Books by Women
Horizons Bible Study
Knitting and Crocheting
Monthly Fellowship Gathering
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Prayer Support
School Supply Drive
Christmas Wishes

Benevolent Guild
meets in person on Wednesday mornings at 9:30 a.m., September through May, with some winter breaks.

This longest-running group at Fourth Church creates sewn and crafted items for those in need. Their work includes baby and child care items — including stuffed animals, tummy-time mats, bibs, burp cloths, and taggies (mini baby blankets trimmed with ribbon loops) — which are donated to hospitals and social service organizations. The Guild also makes sensory/activity mats for individuals with dementia.

No sewing experience required.

Contact Katie Patterson (312.981.4035) for more information.

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Books by Women
meets in person (in the Bumpus Room) on the second Tuesday of the month from 6:00 to 7:15 p.m. Contact Katie Patterson (312.981.4035) for more information.
Details and a reading list

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Horizons: A Monthly Women’s Bible Study

Second and fourth Wednesday of each month
In person from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. and
via Zoom from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. those same days

We gather via Zoom on the 2nd and 4th Wednesdays of the month. Interested women can join the afternoon session, from noon to 1:00 p.m., or the evening session, on Zoom, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m.

Please contact Simon Crow, scrow@fourthchurch.org, to have your name added to the Zoom link list and to obtain the study guide. The guides are $10 each and include the relevant scriptures, as well as essays, reflections, and suggestions for action.

Contact Katie Patterson (312.981.4035) for more information.

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Knitting and Crocheting
meets in person (Room 5B) on the first Tuesday of the month at 10:00 a.m.

Both a fellowship group and a ministry of caring, Knitting and Crocheting supplies partners around the city with handcrafted items for warmth and comfort.

Contact Katie Patterson (312.981.4035) for more information.

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Women at Fourth Gathering
meets in person once a month, typically on a Thursday evening, for a variety of programs and fellowship gatherings.

Contact Katie Patterson (312.981.4035) for more information.

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Prayer Shawl Ministry

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is an initiative of the Caring Ministries Team and the Knitting and Crocheting Group, combining the love of knitting and crocheting with a way to reach out to those in need of comfort and solace: providing them with a tangible expression of care in the form of a handcrafted shawl or lap blanket.

To learn more about this ministry opportunity, contact Katie Patterson (312.981.4035).

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Prayer Support

In need of prayer support? Share your prayer requests of joy or concern with our Fourth Church Women’s prayer circle. Email prayer requests to 4thwomenpray@gmail.com

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126 E. Chestnut Street
(at Michigan Avenue)
Chicago, Illinois 60611.2014
(Across from the Hancock)

For events in the Sanctuary,
enter from Michigan Avenue

Getting to Fourth Church

Receptionist: 312.787.4570

Directory: 312.787.2729



© 1998—2023 Fourth Presbyterian Church