Discover Fourth!
Join us for worship this Sunday
9:30 a.m. • 11:00 a.m.
• The 9:30 service is also online •
Join us for worship this Sunday
9:30 a.m. • 11:00 a.m.
• The 9:30 service is also online •
2025 Annual Meeting
The Annual Meeting of the Congregation was held in person and via Zoom at 12:15 p.m. on Sunday, February 9 (“live” only). This recommended slate of candidates, which was presented by the Nominating Committee, was approved by the congregation. Also approvied were the minutes from the 2024 meeting.
Watch the Livestream
If we’re streaming it, you can click here to view it! Whether it’s worship on Sundays at 9:30 a.m. or our Friday Noonday Concerts, if we’re streaming it, you can watch it live (including from the beginning even if you join a stream in progress). Also viewable on our YouTube channel are our “Rhythm and Word” video series and adult education recordings.
Remembering John Buchanan
Our beloved Pastor Emeritus John M. Buchanan, whose faith and faithful spirit guided Fourth Church from 1985 to 2012, died on Monday evening, February 3. We will gather with his family for a memorial service in the Sanctuary on Saturday, March 8 at 1:00 p.m. Condolences and memories can be sent in care of the church.
Help Score a Souper Bowl Victory!
Before and after worship on Sunday, February 9, Fourth Church youth will be collecting cans of soup, nonperishable food items, and monetary contributions to support Fourth Church Meals Ministry and the Chicago Lights Social Service Center Food Pantry. Souper Bowl of Caring gifts can also be made online.
Living into Our Long-Range Plan
Adopted in 2024, the long-range plan for Fourth Church informs and shapes our ongoing ministry and plans for the future. Specifically, we are guided by our commitment to four strategic directions: (1) connections and belonging; (2) faith formation; (3) community engagement and partnerships; and (4) church sustainability. Read more
Pastor Nominating Committee
The Pastor Nominating Committee is at work searching for a candidate for pastor to recommend to the congregation. Please join us in holding in prayer the committee and all participating in the search. To suggest possible candidates, share what you hope the PNC will consider in the discernment process, or ask questions, email the PNC.
A welcoming, serving community, reflecting the inclusive love of God
If you are new to Fourth Church, or are searching for new ways to connect with this congregation, we are glad you have found us here—and invite you to be with us on Chicago’s North Michigan Avenue, where we come together in community as Fourth Presbyterian Church.
Inspired by the radical hospitality of Jesus Christ, we welcome everyone, without exception, into the life of this congregation. Come join us at the intersection of faith and life as we share God’s grace with one another and the world through worship, preaching, education, and ministries of healing, reconciliation, and justice.
We invite you to explore this website, read our brief FAQ, or contact our Discover Fourth staff with any questions you have. Whether in person or online, there is a place for you at Fourth Church!