For Women
Horizons: A Monthly Women’s Bible Study
Second and fourth Wednesday of each month
12:00–1:00 p.m. and at
6:30–7:30 p.m. on those same days
via Zoom
Interested in taking part in a Bible study that has been field tested by women’s groups all over the country? Join us for a semimonthly women’s Bible study, offered through Women at Fourth, based on the guide from Horizons magazine.
Please join us on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month. Contact Katie Patterson for more information.
For Men
Men’s Bible Study
7:30 a.m. via Zoom
Men’s Bible Study typically focuses on scripture readings from the pulpit, with passages drawn from either the immediate past week’s worship service or the upcoming Sunday.
The specific text is selected by the leader for the week, with leadership rotating among the group. (There is no requirement to lead.) That text, often accompanied by discussion questions, is then emailed to the group in advance.
The group’s participants bring a wonderfully wide range of Bible study experience to the conversation, from those who have never been part of a Bible study before to those who have served as ordained clergy. All men are welcome!
For more information or to RSVP (required), contact Katie Patterson at 312.981.4035.
Autumn 2024 Bible Study with Tom Are
During the pandemic, Tom Are wrote a short book, Joy Even on Your Worst Days, which he calls “a preacher’s read of Philippians.”
Using the book as a guide, in autumn 2024 Tom led us in exploring the letter of Philippians, the most joyful writing in the Bible even though it was written while Paul was in prison.
You can view the four presentations from the Bible study here:
Video of Session 1
Video of Session 2
Video of Session 3
Video of Session 4
Other opportunities