August 16, 2020
by Rocky Supinger, Associate Pastor
God of all kindness,
you gave your only Son
because you loved the world so much.
And so we are bold to pray in his name,
seeking your help in our lives
and in the lives of all your children.
We pray for nothing short of peace in our world—
yes, Lord, peace.
Move among us by your Spirit,
breaking down barriers of fear, suspicion, and hatred.
Heal the human family of our division,
and unite us in the pursuit of what is right and good and just for all.
We pray for our country,
fighting virus, bracing for elections,
trying to work and educate our kids
and love our parents in this unnerving time.
Through it all, O God, enrich our common life;
strengthen the forces of truth and goodness among us;
move us to give where we are prosperous,
that the impoverished may pass from need and despair
to dignity and joy;
move us to speak where we have voice,
that the silenced and the ignored may come to flourish;
move us to seek the benefit of our neighbors near and far,
that a spirit of mutual concern and care might come
to characterize our character.
We pray for those who suffer.
The sick, the lonely, the grieving,
the overworked and the out-of-work.
Surround us all with your love,
support us with your strength,
console us with your comfort,
and give us hope and courage beyond ourselves.
We pray for our families,
for those whom we love near and far,
frequently in touch or long out-of-touch.
Protect them, we pray;
support them—these times are difficult and filled with anxiety.
Help our families to grow together
in mutual love and understanding
and rest content in one another.
We pray for the church.
Keep us true to the gospel,
separated though we may be in body
yet not in spirit, not in voice, not in purpose.
Keep us responsive in these times to the gifts and needs of all.
Make known your saving power in Jesus Christ,
by the persistent witness of our faith, our worship, and our life.
These things we pray in the name of Jesus, our friend and Savior,
praying as he taught: Our Father...
Prayer © Fourth Presbyterian Church