Spiritual Growth Opportunities
Christ has called us to be his disciples, and as a community we focus on discerning and responding to this call individually and corporately, for the sake of the world.
Through the leading of the Holy Spirit, our hearts can be transformed to become the persons God created us to be by loving God and our neighbors more deeply. Spiritual formation is key to this transformative journey.
We invite you to join us on this journey, to partake of spiritual formation opportunities we offer throughout the year—practices, experiences, and disciplines for people of faith to deepen our relationships with God, neighbor, and self.
The Spiritual Formation Council hopes that these opportunities will help strengthen your spiritual growth:
Adult Education Classes
Bible Study Men’s | Women’s
Contemplative Retreats
Path of Discipleship
Pilgrimage Trips
Labyrinth Ministry
Daily Devotions
Adult Education Classes
This adult education program provides short-term and ongoing education for our members, friends of the church, and the wider community. All programming is currently offered virtually via Zoom. No matter your particular interests, we trust the Academy’s offerings will provide opportunities for growth and Christian community.
For information about upcoming Academy classes, click here.
Contemplative Retreats
Contemplative retreats are held at a nearby retreat center at various times during the church year, typically during Advent and Lent.
Path of Discipleship
The season of Lent invites us to thoughtfully take up the gifts of faith — worship, study, prayer, and service — in preparation for Holy Week and Christ’s journey to the cross. Our weekly Path of Discipleship series, hosted by the Spiritual Formation Council, offers an opportunity to do so in the company of others, in person and online.
For details about the programming in 2025, check back to this page.
Pilgrimage Trips
There are currently no trips scheduled. In the past, groups from Fourth Church have participated in pilgrimages to Iona, Scotland; Ghost Ranch, New Mexico; and Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
For more information, contact Associate Pastor Joe Morrow.
Labyrinth Ministry
A tool for prayer and meditation for those seeking God, the labyrinth in Buchanan Chapel is available for walking several days of most weeks.
Those interested in meditation will find a variety of opportunities available at Fourth Church. Members of the Center for Life and Learning (a Fourth Church program for adults sixty and over) gather weekly for “Mindfulness Meditation,” and the Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being hosts weekly meditation workshops on Tuesday evenings.
Subscribing to Daily Devotions
Daily devotions, written by the staff of Fourth Church, are available via email (sign up here or send addresses to devotions@fourthchurch.org).
Devotions are also posted on Facebook (www.facebook.com/fourthchurch) and online.