Switch to list of staff by program area
Fourth Presbyterian Church
126 E. Chestnut Street
Chicago, IL 60611.2014
Receptionist: 312.787.4570
If there is an emergency need of a pastor during the night that cannot wait until 8:00 a.m. the next morning, please call 773.913.1659.
A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H
J | K | L | M | N |
O | P
R | S | T | U | V | W
Email protocol: first name initial with last name @ fourthchurch.org
Tom Are Jr.
Interim Pastor
Email | 312.573.3363
Nancy Benson-Nicol
Associate Pastor for Caring Ministries and Spiritual Formation
Email | 312.573.3360
Katy Frey Bever
Senior Director of Development
Email | 312.981.3380
Jana Blazek
Adult Education
Joi Brooks
Foundation Relations Officer
Email | 312.981.3563
Katrina Buchanan
Editorial Associate, Communications
Email | 312.640.5375
Wydetta Carter
Email | 312.787.4570
Doug Cleveland
Interim Organist and Director of Music
Coya Castro
Director of Human Resources
Email | 312.640.2533
Alex Cornwell
Executive Programs Director, Chicago Lights
Email | 312.981.3565
Deidra Cox
Manager of Human Resources
Email | 312.640.2535
Emma Cox
Music Department Manager
Email | 312.981.3595
Robert Crouch
Director of Volunteer Ministry
Email | 312.981.3382
Darlene Cunneen
Office Associate, Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being
Email | 312.787.2339
Dave Dalton
Program Manager, Center for Life and Learning
Email | 312.981.3391
Linda Daly
Program Assistant, Center for Life and Learning
Email | 312.981.3389
Patrick Daniels
Community Engagement Manager
Nancy Davis
Coordinator for Mission and Evangelism
Email | 312.274.3815
Mark Dennison
Program Coordinator, Tutoring and Summer Day
Email | 312.274.3828
Andrea Denney
Executive Director of Operational Ministries
Email | 312.981.3383
Shawn Fiedler
Major Gift Officer
Email | 872.250.9266
Gloria Fleming
Administrative Assistant for Leadership
Roberto Flores
Video-Audio Production Manager
Liz Gump
Associate Director of Development for Individual Giving
Email | 312.640.2578
Kathy Hager
Director, Day School
Email | 312.640.2579
Matt Helms
Associate Pastor for Children, Family, and Welcoming Ministries
Email | 312.573.3362
Fred Hickler
Technology Manager
Email | 312.252.3595
Armedia Houston
Director, Chicago Lights Tutoring and Summer Day
Email | 312.981.3560
Stacy Jackson
Executive Director, Chicago Lights
Email | 312.981.3562
Jonita Johnson
Youth Programs Coordinator, Tutoring and Summer Day
Email | 312.274.3800
Kathy Kidder
Wedding Coordinator and Events Manager
Email | 312.981.4026
Allison MacDonna
Executive Assistant
Email | 312.573.3363
Micah Marty
Visual Media Coordinator
Email | 312.640.5370
Annette Mileski
Director, Center for Life and Learning
Email | 312.981.3386
Andrea Miller
Senior Associate Director of Development, Fourth Presbyterian Church
Email | 312.640.2576
Joseph L. Morrow
Associate Pastor for Evangelism and Community Engagement
Email | 312.981.3399
Amy Pagliarella
Parish Associate for Caring Ministries
Email | 312.252.3587
Katie Patterson
Manager for Worship and Youth Ministry
Email | 312.981.4035
Ron Porras
Donor Coordinator
Email | 312.252.3598
Leszek Pytka
Plant Manager
Email | 312.640.2523
Ann Rehfeldt
Director of Communications
Email | 312.640.5373
RaShonn Roberts
Associate Director, EDSSC
Nanette Sawyer
Minister for Congregational Life
Email | 312.274.3835
Thomas Schemper
Director, Replogle Center for Counseling and Well-Being
Email | 312.787.2729, ext. 2240
Katy Sinclair
Associate Director of Music for Children and Youth
Email | 312.274.3807
Rocky Supinger
Senior Associate Pastor
Email | 312.981.4037
Theresa Thornburg
Director, Chicago Lights Social Service Center
Email | 312.274.3826
Mike Usiak
Meals Ministry Manager
Email | 312.981.3599
Latasha Ward
Operations Coordinator
Email | 312.640.2572
If there is an emergency need of a pastor during the night that cannot wait until 8:00 a.m. the next morning, please call 773.913.1659.